Recent Work

Vaccine Notifier Image
Covid-19 Vaccine Notifier

An API written in Golang to notify people about availability of Covid-19 Vaccine in India. The API, along with a frontend sends an email to the user, after running a cronjob every 1.5 hours. 

Anon Image

Anon is an online reporting platform which ensures anonymity and legitimacy of the report. It ensures the legitimacy and anonymity of the report and also encourages women to start personal economies, making them self sufficient for future aspects of their life. 

Meme Tag Image

Created a simple application to tag memes on the basis on their template and text. It makes it easier to search for the meme by tagging them and storing the tags and meme name in a CSV file. 

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DSC BVP Website

I developed the website for DSC BVP as a web development executive, to create events for the members and take RSVP responses from the members to book a suitable venue for the event.

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DSC Webathon API

Created a REST API to help anyone organise an online hackathon. The API consists of User signup, Team forming and project submission.

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Secure Chat App

I developed a simple chat app in which only the tagged person can view the message using NodeJS and Web-Sockets.

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Image Overlay

I wrote a simple application to watermark a bunch of images stored in a directory at once. This was done to save time spent by DSC BVP's design team to watermark each image manually.

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Reverse Shell

Wrote a simple reverse shell with a built-in keylogger just for practice.

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Developed an app to detect potholes on streets and report them to the concerned authorities.

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Green Screen

Wrote a script to implement the green screen effect using image segmentation.

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URL Shortener

A simple URL Shortener made using django used by DSC BVP.